Project Description

Some of the Gumbaynggirr Traditional Owners of Coffs Harbour have recently established Ngiyambandigay Wajaar Aboriginal Corporation. As the Prescribed Body Corporate, Traditional Owners recently re-acquired full management and custodianship of a significant Indigenous Marine Protected Area. In addition to Caring for Country programs and initiatives, Traditional Owners are also seeking to establish a sustainable tourism business that provides both ways education on the importance of land and sea Country and future opportunities for young Gumbaynggir to work on Country.

A five-year Tourism Business and Marketing Plan was prepared, to support the aspirations of Traditional Owners on Country, leveraging from current capacity, programs and the cultural and natural values of the region. A staged approach ensures that tourism develops at an appropriate and achievable pace and allows feasibility testing and adaptation, while continuing to deliver on the obligations of Caring for land and sea Country.

As part of Stage 2 – TRC has recently delivered tourism training and product testing on Country together with NWAC and the Gumbaynggirr Rangers. Completion of this work will set NWAC up to launch tour products with the delivery of a Tourism Training Package, Tourism Manual and Operational Plan.