Project Description

This Study was the initial phase of Nature Based Recreation planning on the Sunshine Coast. The project considered the planning context for nature-based recreation including state, regional and local plans and policies; the management context within which the main management entities operate; and the challenges of urban development and population growth, changing recreation trends, user conflicts, illegal activities, and resource constraints.

The Study identified the benefits of more efficient use of resources and improved operating environments, improved visitor experiences as well as market and promotion of opportunities that could arise from collaborative planning for nature-based recreation in the Council area.

The Study recommended a framework for documenting and analysing nature-based opportunities that could be shared by all land management entities. It included an initial inventory of 110 nature-based recreation sites in the Council area. The Study also recommended steps to realise coordinated governance of planning and delivery of nature-based experiences and improved information gathering and management about existing opportunities as a basis for a collaborative cross tenure strategic planning process for the Council area.