Project Description
TRC Tourism was engaged by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to conduct a review of the existing systems utilised by the Reef Authority to partner with and regulate tourism operators.. The Great Barrier Reef is Australia’s largest and most valuable natural asset, a World Heritage Listed wonder with an inspiring array of marine wildlife and biodiversity. It is an iconic, world-renowned tourism attraction and the marine tourism industry it supports provides significant employment, economic and social benefits to local communities; attracting more than two million visitors each year from all over the world, contributing $A5.7 billion in economic value and supporting almost 59,000 full time jobs. As World Heritage specialists, TRC Tourism conducted a review into the existing framework being utilised by the Reef Authority, undertook a global search of current best practice and emerging trends, and then provided options for a modernised High Standard Tour Operator program framework, one of a suite of existing tools used to manage tourism on the Great Barrier Reef.