Project Description

The Cook Shire Council worked together with the Gamaay Aboriginal Corporation towards the development of Indigenous tourism product leveraging from the Gamaay Dreaming Track in Cooktown Queensland. The Gamaay Dreaming Track was established in 2014 as an opportunity for Gamaay Warra Traditional Owners to develop a tourism venture. Designed to be both a multi-day and short day coastal walks, the concept was for local Gamaay Warra people to develop product to service the Gamaay Dreaming Track experience.

TRC Tourism walked country together with Gamaay Warra people and it was decided that greater work needed to be done on Indigenous tourism product development, capacity building and business planning. TRC supported the development of a tourism business plan for the Gamaay Aboriginal Corporation, developed a small range of easy to deliver and operate guided tourism products, facilitated partnership development with local mainstream tourism operators and delivered tour guide training for local Gamaay Warra people.