In addition to shaping consumer decisions on how to look, what to buy and where to go, Influencers on social media have the power to turn an unknown destination into a booming hotspot bursting at the seams with visitors. There is an uncontrolled flow of tourists rushing to tag themselves at popular “Instagramable” locations, competing for the best selfie and racing to upload their experiences to receive the most likes. A survey by Schofields reveals “Over 40 percent of millennials consider ‘Instagrammability’ when selecting their next destination.”
On the surface it seems like an economic win for the destination, however along with the laughter and smiles, the crowds of tourists put an excessive amount of pressure and destruction on the physical, economic and socio-cultural environment. Destinations are exceeding their carrying capacity and suffering from “overtourism.” A recent example can be seen at Hyams beach, a small coastal town now employing traffic controllers to regulate the escalation of visitor numbers. (click to article). 
With Social Media Influencers showing no sign of slowing down, how can destinations rise to the challenge of practicing sustainable tourism?