Working holiday? The TRC team get to experience some of Australia’s best country and culture when we get to step out from behind the desk and get into the field. Last week TRC consultants Tracey Diddams and Shane Dredge returned to the NSW South Coast, delivering Aboriginal Tourism business plans to four existing clients and starting new relationships with four more. This program is being funded through the NSW Department of Primary Industries, supporting Aboriginal coastal tourism businesses with ongoing business planning and development throughout their tourism journeys. The business plans are being used to support National Park Eco Pass applications, grant funding for assets, professional development, marketing, financial forecasting and a step by step action plan with outcomes and measures of success as determined by each of the businesses.
If you find yourself on NSW’s South Coast these holidays, we strongly recommend joining any (or all!) of these tours, each offering a truly unique experience on cultural land and waters. And although we were ‘working’, the generous sharing of country and culture by Traditional Custodians has allowed us to reflect, reconnect and refresh.
- Ngaran Ngaran
- Gadhungal Murring
- Gumaraa
- Muladha Gamara
- Nar-oo-ma Aboriginal Cultural Tours
- Malleema Aboriginal Cultural Tours
- Minga Aboriginal Cultural Services
- South Coast Seaweed

Raymond Timberry – Gadhungal Murring

Nar-oo-ma Cultural Tours Business Plan

Image Credit: Minga Cultural Tours – Patricia Ellis

Image Credit: South Coast Seaweed

Richard Campbell – Gamaara Cultural Tours

Image Credit: Ngaran Ngaran Culture Awareness

Nar-oo-ma Cultural Tours face painting