Dambimangai Aboriginal Corporation has recently released the Dambimangari Country Visitor and Tourism Plan 2025–2029. The plan was developed following extensive consultation and on site visits with the Traditional Owners by Janet Mackay and Tracey Diddams. The plan provides a strategic framework for tourism development on Dambi country which stretches along the northwest Kimberley coastline and is largely only accessible by boat.

In 2024 there were 29 registered vessels operating in Dambi country with over 13,000 passengers. The plan aims to ensure tourism is managed effectively and that it aligns with cultural values and long-term aspirations. The plan identifies tourism opportunities to activate in the short, medium and long term with recommended priorities and an enabling pathway over the next 5-10 years

“Our ancestors have given us this Country to look after. When we look after Country the right way, Wandjina (our Creation Ancestor) looks after us. Country is happy, people are happy – there is abundance. We want visitors to feel comfortable and safe – to see, feel and respect Country the way we do.” Leah Umbagai

TRC continues to work with Dambimangari to support the implementation of the plan.

Click here to view the Dambimangari Country Visitor and Tourism Plan 2025–2029.