When it comes to resilience, Vanuatu has a thing or two to teach the rest of the world.

Just as they started to recover from the global pandemic, two cyclones landed one after another, and this year they’re facing an aviation access crisis. Despite this, the team at Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) have a positive outlook for the future and a proud determination to see the country thrive through sustainable tourism growth.

At TRC Tourism, one of the most rewarding parts of any Pacific project is the time spent in-country. TRC Consultant Tray Johnston has recently returned from 8 days with the team at the Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO), working on a project facilitated and funded by PSDI. The VTO Marketing Strategy will provide the direction to enable VTO to prioritise their energies with clarity of purpose to optimise the opportunities ahead.

“I arrived with fresh eyes as a first-time visitor. It was clear that this country doesn’t need to do a U-turn to recapture the sense of authenticity within their offers, as they have never lost it.

When you ‘Answer the Call of Vanuatu’ you walk alongside ni-Vanuatu and can’t help but get swept up by their friendly nature and genuine sense of hospitality. There is a simple joy in their relaxed way of life, it was so refreshing” says Tracy.

While in country Tracy connected with representatives of government agencies, sector and provincial industry associations, business owners and managers and the VTO CEO Adela Issachar Aru and her management team. She also took the time to informally interact with handicraft sellers, hospitality staff, local residents, visitors, cruise passengers and visiting yacht crew.

Local hosts Jeremy and Maina from VTO took the time to take Tracy on a tour around the Island of Efate to proudly share some of the special places, to a fire dancing show, the local produce markets and to try local foods.

“I left with a full heart, some wonderful local art, Tanna coffee beans and bunch of new life-long friendships. I feel privileged to also be able to help VTO on the journey of reactivating visitation to Vanuatu so more people can experience what I have.

Thank you Tumas Vanuatu, see you again soon”