Following on from our recent support with the delivery of the Samoan tourist wayfinding signs, we have now moved into consultations and research towards visitor interpretation signs at several key sites across Samoa. TRC consultants were privileged to spend last week meeting with customary village landowners on Savai’i and Upolu, to discuss the types of stories and information they’d like to share with visitors. The interpretation signs will help visitors appreciate both the natural and cultural features of the site and in particular enhance the village life experience and understanding. These visitor sites provide critical income for villages and have helped with construction of schools, community halls and employment opportunities. Our consultants are home now and will start preparing an Interpretation Plan and draft sign designs to be approved by the villages in early 2019. We look forward to our continued partnership with the Samoa Tourism Authority and NZ Aid in rolling out these new visitor interpretation signs during 2019.

Wayfinding signage launch

Meeting with Village land owners of the Canopy Rainforest Walk

Meeting with Village owners of the Mata e lelu Pools

Meeting with family land owner of the Mosos Footprint site