Some days we just have to pinch ourselves!
The people, places and stories we meet, see and learn ‘on the job’ are truly made of dreams. This was one of those weeks for our Director Janet Mackay and Senior Consultant Tracey Diddams who had the opportunity to work with Dambimangari people towards developing a Visitor and Tourism Plan for Dambimangari Country.
Dambimangari Country in the West Kimberley is simply breathtaking. From mangrove fringed tidal mudflats, red rocky ridges, meandering rivers and rockpools to secluded white sandy beaches caressed by sparkling turquoise seas. But the values of this special place are much deeper than what we can see…
‘Our Ancestors have given us this Country to look after. When we look after Country the right way, Wandjina (our Creation Ancestor) looks after us. Country is happy, people are happy – there is abundance. We want visitors to feel welcome and safe – to see, feel and respect Country the way we do.’
Our visit was the first step towards understanding these values and visions for Dambimangari Country. Next will be balancing protection, education and enjoyment with sustainable opportunities for Dambimangari people to keep Country and people happy and healthy.