TRC Kokoda Track Authority Review Team Martin Brash, Chris Rose and Chris Halstead meeting with landowners from the northern section of the Kokoda Track.
TRC has been working on a strategic review of the management of Papua New Guinea’s Kokoda Track Authority over the last couple of months. The Kokoda Track Authority has significant responsibilities as part of the Kokoda Initiative for the sustainable management of the track and surrounding areas, to provide a safe and well managed track for trekkers and return a benefit to the landowners and communities along the track. The Authority needs to be structured and supported in a way that best enables it to achieve these goals, and the review will provide recommendations to achieve this. The TRC team of Martin Brash, Chris Rose and Chris Halstead conducted a round of meetings and interviews in Papua New Guinea in May, with traditional landowners at Kokoda and Sogeri and with stakeholders and the PNG Government in Port Moresby. The meetings with the Orokaiva landowners from the northern section of the Kokoda Track took place at the picturesque Mamba Guest House near Kokoda Station. The final report will be directed to the Kokoda Initiative Committee in early July.