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Tourism Development in the East Kimberley, WA

Over the next six months, TRC will be working with the Aboriginal community of Kalumburu on tourism development. Kalumburu is in the East Kimberley on the northern coastline. With breathtaking landscapes, strong Aboriginal cultures, ancient rock art, waterfalls and rockholes [...]

2019-05-09T08:15:01+10:00May 9th, 2019|Latest news|

Barkly Regional Visitor Experience Master Plan Launched This Week

'The Barkly Region is a vast and beautiful part of the Territory and an important part of the NT journey, with Tennant Creek as a vibrant hub.' The Barkly Regional Visitor Experience Master Plan was developed by TRC Tourism and [...]

2022-03-18T12:06:02+11:00May 3rd, 2019|Latest news|

Tairāwhiti Tourism Operators Awarded Qualmark Gold

TRC Tourism has been working with Activate Tairāwhiti to support the development of new quality, trade ready visitor experiences. Last week Tracy joined Team Tairāwhiti to attend the eXplore Central North Island Trade event in Auckland. First time operators Waka [...]

2019-04-23T15:14:43+10:00April 23rd, 2019|Latest news|

Improving Visitor Experience on the Fraser Coast

TRC Tourism is assisting Fraser Coast Regional Council to consider what new tourism infrastructure is needed to take the visitor experience at this fabulous destination to the next level. There is already significant tourism infrastructure, such as the Westside Water [...]

2019-04-17T09:08:19+10:00April 17th, 2019|Latest news|

Feasibility of new MTB and walking trail alignments – Nitmiluk National Park

"TRC recently journeyed to the Northern Territory to assess proposed MTB and walking trail alignments and feasibilities in the stunning Nitmiluk NP and Katherine Gorge. It was an interesting assignment for specialist consultant, Chris Ord, who was lucky enough to [...]

2019-03-22T10:12:24+11:00March 22nd, 2019|Latest news|
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